A weeklong deep dive to identify and evaluate critical corrugator and control system issues and make the appropriate improvements. Our expert evaluation and training will focus on wet end performance and control system operation, worn and broken control system parts, and training of your corrugator team. A typical week for a Control Systems Audit includes baselining and identifying issues early in the week, a mid-week outage to repair and replace broken and worn parts, and centerlining and performance improvement validation on the fourth day. The final day is reserved for an exit meeting and any last-minute follow ups.

This is a fee-based program outside of what we provide as part of our regular additives service program. Many locations sign up for a bi-annual follow up to ensure gains are maintained.


We will quantify the improvement results from our engagement with you and project the impact of the suggested improvements. An example of Deliverables from this service include:

  • A 1% increase in speed / throughput can equal $58,000/month, $700,000/year
  • A 1% reduction in waste is worth $58,000/month, $700,000/year

If you’d like more information or a performance investment estimate, reach out to HarperLove.

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